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The Recruitment Bias that you absolutely SHOULD BE applying

Updated: Nov 25, 2020

The interview process is broken because those doing the interview far too often look to recruit for ‘fit.’ This means they recruit people ‘like them.’ This means they get what they’ve always had.

Interviews in no way predict the potential future performance of an individual. Instead, the candidate that knows the ins and outs of their CV better than the other interviewees will stand out as more confident and assertive. This means we are far more likely to be seduced by these attractive qualities and make a job offer.

With this in mind, I’d like to make the argument that the biggest bias that SHOULD BE applied in recruitment is that of internal promotion.


According to a recent report by the Harvard Business Review, external hires take ‘3 years to perform as well as the people hired from within’ however, those internally promoted take ‘7 years to earn as much money as the people hired from the outside.

If you think about the implication of this, it’s huge. Put simply, this is a more cost-effective, more commercial way of operating, which is likely to lead to a more consistent customer experience.

To compound this further...

Think about the engagement effect on the people that sit below the position that has just been recruited externally. What do you think would be going through their mind?

Not sure? Maybe this will help...

The old adage has always been that ‘people leave line managers, not jobs’ but new research from Facebook and Gallop’s Q12 Survey points towards this no longer being the case. Instead, it has now become clearer that people leave organisations that don’t give them career advancement or promotional opportunities.

In a market that is so talent short, it’s never been more important to be investing in talent development. When was the last time you spoke to an employee about their career aspirations? When was the last time you gave them feedback about the development gaps? Have you recently sought their opinion on an organisational matter?


Well, don’t be surprised if they are thinking about, or starting to act out their next career move!

If this is something that is affecting your business or you would like more advice, get in touch today or check out more of our blogs here.

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